About: carmen jeffery
I am the founder of i-identify inc., a Toronto-based recruiting company, founded in 2013. My research uncovers full-time, interim and contract professionals who are leaders in their respective fields. My early work was focused on the emerging tech - sector, and later expanded into retail and consumer packaged goods technologies. In the past five to six years I have broadened my expertise to include Canada's public and not-for-profit sectors, working on assignments as far north as Iqaluit, uncovering talent as senior as Deputy Ministers, Commissioners and executives at the C level. I've become a search generalist who specializes in identifying great talent.
Recent Posts by carmen jeffery
I reflected fondly upon working with start ups a few weeks back; my hope remains that out of this recession there will emerge a slew...
Doing Well by Doing Good – book reflections and Sarvodaya
The Business and Buddha isn’t an easy read…but it is a good read. I promised myself I would read it after a blog about my...
Renaissance for companies in stealth mode
I had a wave of reflection today….a lunch with a talented CTO rekindled memories of recruiting for a slew of start ups in the late...
12 Hottest Workplace Phrases Defined
I just received an e-mail from my husband and I thought I would share this workplace glossary that his office has circulated. Here are 12...
DOING WELL BY DOING GOOD-Buddha meet Margaret Mead
Teachers quoted Margaret Mead, "A small group of thoughtful people could change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."
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