The iidentify Approach 

I chose the name ‘iidentify’ to reflect my core mission,  I identify top talent.

Through various sourcing boot camps, Boolean courses, and a mild case of OCD, I have become an adept sourcer who is committed to refining her craft through the use of LinkedIn, AI Tools, Search Engines, B2B Intelligence Platforms, Directories, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter.

As AI takes center stage in today’s talent sourcing strategies, I am committed to mastering the use of generative artificial intelligence chatbots like Chat GPT and Gemini as essential tools of my craft.

Finding great candidates requires relentless research and requests for introductions, as well as cold approaches. When a potential candidate’s information is public, I assume they want to be found. Recruiting success is contingent upon building community and identifying talent pools.

When I seek out potential candidates, I do so after conducting the requisite background research and by ensuring my approach inspires meaningful conversation.  It may not seem all that sophisticated, but this blend of fine tuning, sharp perception, and confidence leads to successful placements.

Sourcing talent goes beyond matching skills to a role; it’s also about understanding the subtleties of culture, leadership styles, and vision. It’s about identifying the right individual for an opportunity who can create a transformational impact.